
usage: awx job_templates [-h] action ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

awx job_templates: the following arguments are required: action

job_templates list#

usage: awx job_templates list [-h] [--all] [--order_by ORDER_BY]
                              [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                              [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v]
                              [--type {job_template}] [--created CREATED]
                              [--modified MODIFIED] [--name TEXT]
                              [--description TEXT] [--job_type {run,check}]
                              [--inventory ID] [--project ID]
                              [--playbook TEXT] [--scm_branch TEXT]
                              [--forks INTEGER] [--limit TEXT]
                              [--verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                              [--extra_vars JSON/YAML] [--job_tags TEXT]
                              [--force_handlers BOOLEAN] [--skip_tags TEXT]
                              [--start_at_task TEXT] [--timeout INTEGER]
                              [--use_fact_cache BOOLEAN] [--organization ID]
                              [--last_job_run LAST_JOB_RUN]
                              [--last_job_failed BOOLEAN]
                              [--next_job_run NEXT_JOB_RUN]
                              [--status {new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled,never updated}]
                              [--execution_environment ID]
                              [--host_config_key TEXT]
                              [--ask_scm_branch_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_diff_mode_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_variables_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_limit_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_skip_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_job_type_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_verbosity_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_inventory_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_credential_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_execution_environment_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_labels_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_forks_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_job_slice_count_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_timeout_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--ask_instance_groups_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                              [--survey_enabled BOOLEAN]
                              [--become_enabled BOOLEAN] [--diff_mode BOOLEAN]
                              [--allow_simultaneous BOOLEAN]
                              [--custom_virtualenv TEXT]
                              [--job_slice_count INTEGER]
                              [--webhook_service {,github,gitlab,bitbucket_dc}]
                              [--webhook_credential ID]
                              [--prevent_instance_group_fallback BOOLEAN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all                 fetch all pages of content from the API when returning
                        results (instead of just the first page)
  --order_by ORDER_BY   order results by given field name, prefix the field
                        name with a dash (-) to sort in reverse eg
                        --order_by='-name',multiple sorting fields may be
                        specified by separating the field names with a comma
  --type {job_template}
                        only list job_templates with the specified type
  --created CREATED     only list job_templates with the specified created
  --modified MODIFIED   only list job_templates with the specified modified
  --name TEXT           only list job_templates with the specified name
  --description TEXT    only list job_templates with the specified description
  --job_type {run,check}
                        only list job_templates with the specified job_type
  --inventory ID        only list job_templates with the specified inventory
  --project ID          only list job_templates with the specified project
  --playbook TEXT       only list job_templates with the specified playbook
  --scm_branch TEXT     only list job_templates with the specified scm_branch
  --forks INTEGER       only list job_templates with the specified forks
  --limit TEXT          only list job_templates with the specified limit
  --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        only list job_templates with the specified verbosity
  --extra_vars JSON/YAML, -e JSON/YAML
                        only list job_templates with the specified extra_vars
  --job_tags TEXT       only list job_templates with the specified job_tags
  --force_handlers BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --skip_tags TEXT      only list job_templates with the specified skip_tags
  --start_at_task TEXT  only list job_templates with the specified
  --timeout INTEGER     only list job_templates with the specified timeout
  --use_fact_cache BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --organization ID     only list job_templates with the specified
  --last_job_run LAST_JOB_RUN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --last_job_failed BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --next_job_run NEXT_JOB_RUN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --status {new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled,never updated}
                        only list job_templates with the specified status
  --execution_environment ID
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --host_config_key TEXT
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_scm_branch_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_diff_mode_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_variables_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_limit_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_skip_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_job_type_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_verbosity_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_inventory_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_credential_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_execution_environment_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_labels_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_forks_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_job_slice_count_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_timeout_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --ask_instance_groups_on_launch BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --survey_enabled BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --become_enabled BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --diff_mode BOOLEAN   only list job_templates with the specified diff_mode
  --allow_simultaneous BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --custom_virtualenv TEXT
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --job_slice_count INTEGER
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --webhook_service {,github,gitlab,bitbucket_dc}
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --webhook_credential ID
                        only list job_templates with the specified
  --prevent_instance_group_fallback BOOLEAN
                        only list job_templates with the specified

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

job_templates create#

usage: awx job_templates create [-h] --name TEXT [--description TEXT]
                                [--job_type {run,check}] [--inventory ID]
                                --project ID --playbook TEXT
                                [--scm_branch TEXT] [--forks INTEGER]
                                [--limit TEXT] [--verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                                [--extra_vars JSON/YAML] [--job_tags TEXT]
                                [--force_handlers BOOLEAN] [--skip_tags TEXT]
                                [--start_at_task TEXT] [--timeout INTEGER]
                                [--use_fact_cache BOOLEAN]
                                [--execution_environment ID]
                                [--host_config_key TEXT]
                                [--ask_scm_branch_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_diff_mode_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_variables_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_limit_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_skip_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_job_type_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_verbosity_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_inventory_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_credential_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_execution_environment_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_labels_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_forks_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_job_slice_count_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_timeout_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--ask_instance_groups_on_launch BOOLEAN]
                                [--survey_enabled BOOLEAN]
                                [--become_enabled BOOLEAN]
                                [--diff_mode BOOLEAN]
                                [--allow_simultaneous BOOLEAN]
                                [--job_slice_count INTEGER]
                                [--webhook_service {,github,gitlab,bitbucket_dc}]
                                [--webhook_credential ID]
                                [--prevent_instance_group_fallback BOOLEAN]

required arguments:
  --name TEXT           Name of this job template.
  --project ID          the ID of the associated project
  --playbook TEXT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --description TEXT    Optional description of this job template.
  --job_type {run,check}
  --inventory ID        the ID of the associated inventory
  --scm_branch TEXT     Branch to use in job run. Project default used if
                        blank. Only allowed if project allow_override field is
                        set to true.
  --forks INTEGER
  --limit TEXT
  --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
  --extra_vars JSON/YAML, -e JSON/YAML
                        a JSON or YAML string. You can optionally specify a
                        file path e.g., @path/to/file.yml
  --job_tags TEXT
  --force_handlers BOOLEAN
  --skip_tags TEXT
  --start_at_task TEXT
  --timeout INTEGER     The amount of time (in seconds) to run before the task
                        is canceled.
  --use_fact_cache BOOLEAN
                        If enabled, the service will act as an Ansible Fact
                        Cache Plugin; persisting facts at the end of a
                        playbook run to the database and caching facts for use
                        by Ansible.
  --execution_environment ID
                        The container image to be used for execution.
  --host_config_key TEXT
  --ask_scm_branch_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_diff_mode_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_variables_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_limit_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_skip_tags_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_job_type_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_verbosity_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_inventory_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_credential_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_execution_environment_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_labels_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_forks_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_job_slice_count_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_timeout_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --ask_instance_groups_on_launch BOOLEAN
  --survey_enabled BOOLEAN
  --become_enabled BOOLEAN
  --diff_mode BOOLEAN   If enabled, textual changes made to any templated
                        files on the host are shown in the standard output
  --allow_simultaneous BOOLEAN
  --job_slice_count INTEGER
                        The number of jobs to slice into at runtime. Will
                        cause the Job Template to launch a workflow if value
                        is greater than 1.
  --webhook_service {,github,gitlab,bitbucket_dc}
                        Service that webhook requests will be accepted from
  --webhook_credential ID
                        Personal Access Token for posting back the status to
                        the service API
  --prevent_instance_group_fallback BOOLEAN
                        If enabled, the job template will prevent adding any
                        inventory or organization instance groups to the list
                        of preferred instances groups to run on.If this
                        setting is enabled and you provided an empty list, the
                        global instance groups will be applied.

awx job_templates create: the following arguments are required: --name, --project, --playbook

job_templates get#

usage: awx job_templates get [-h] [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                             [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v]

positional arguments:
  id                    the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

awx job_templates get: the following arguments are required: id

job_templates modify#

usage: awx job_templates modify [-h] id

positional arguments:
  id          the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx job_templates modify: the following arguments are required: id

job_templates delete#

usage: awx job_templates delete [-h] id

positional arguments:
  id          the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx job_templates delete: the following arguments are required: id

job_templates launch#

usage: awx job_templates launch [-h] [--monitor]
                                [--action-timeout ACTION_TIMEOUT] [--wait]
                                [--interval INTERVAL] [--extra_vars JSON/YAML]
                                [--inventory ID] [--scm_branch TEXT]
                                [--limit TEXT] [--job_tags TEXT]
                                [--skip_tags TEXT] [--job_type {run,check}]
                                [--verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                                [--diff_mode BOOLEAN]
                                [--credentials [ID, ID, ...]]
                                [--credential_passwords JSON/YAML]
                                [--execution_environment ID] [--labels LABELS]
                                [--forks INTEGER] [--job_slice_count INTEGER]
                                [--timeout INTEGER]
                                [--instance_groups INSTANCE_GROUPS]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --monitor             If set, prints stdout of the launched job until it
  --action-timeout ACTION_TIMEOUT
                        If set with --monitor or --wait, time out waiting on
                        job completion.
  --wait                If set, waits until the launched job finishes.
  --interval INTERVAL   If set with --monitor or --wait, amount of time to
                        wait in seconds between api calls. Minimum value is
                        2.5 seconds to avoid overwhelming the api
  --extra_vars JSON/YAML, -e JSON/YAML
                        a JSON or YAML string. You can optionally specify a
                        file path e.g., @path/to/file.yml
  --inventory ID        the ID of the associated inventory
  --scm_branch TEXT
  --limit TEXT
  --job_tags TEXT
  --skip_tags TEXT
  --job_type {run,check}
  --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
  --diff_mode BOOLEAN
  --credentials [ID, ID, ...]
                        a list of comma-delimited credentials to associate
                        (IDs or unique names)
  --credential_passwords JSON/YAML
                        a JSON or YAML string. You can optionally specify a
                        file path e.g., @path/to/file.yml
  --execution_environment ID
                        the ID of the associated execution_environment
  --labels LABELS
  --forks INTEGER
  --job_slice_count INTEGER
  --timeout INTEGER
  --instance_groups INSTANCE_GROUPS

awx job_templates launch: the following arguments are required: id

job_templates associate#

usage: awx job_templates associate [-h]
                                   (--start_notification  | --success_notification  | --failure_notification  | --credential )

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
  --credential          The ID (or name) of the credential to associate

awx job_templates associate: the following arguments are required: id

job_templates disassociate#

usage: awx job_templates disassociate [-h]
                                      (--start_notification  | --success_notification  | --failure_notification  | --credential )

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
                        The ID (or name) of the notification_template to
  --credential          The ID (or name) of the credential to disassociate

awx job_templates disassociate: the following arguments are required: id