
usage: awx users [-h] action ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx users: the following arguments are required: action

users list#

usage: awx users list [-h] [--all] [--order_by ORDER_BY]
                      [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                      [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v] [--type {user}]
                      [--username TEXT] [--first_name TEXT] [--last_name TEXT]
                      [--email TEXT] [--is_superuser BOOLEAN]
                      [--password TEXT] [--last_login LAST_LOGIN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all                 fetch all pages of content from the API when returning
                        results (instead of just the first page)
  --order_by ORDER_BY   order results by given field name, prefix the field
                        name with a dash (-) to sort in reverse eg
                        --order_by='-name',multiple sorting fields may be
                        specified by separating the field names with a comma
  --type {user}         only list users with the specified type
  --username TEXT       only list users with the specified username
  --first_name TEXT     only list users with the specified first_name
  --last_name TEXT      only list users with the specified last_name
  --email TEXT          only list users with the specified email
  --is_superuser BOOLEAN
                        only list users with the specified is_superuser
  --password TEXT       only list users with the specified password
  --last_login LAST_LOGIN
                        only list users with the specified last_login

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

users create#

usage: awx users create [-h] --username TEXT [--first_name TEXT]
                        [--last_name TEXT] [--email TEXT]
                        [--is_superuser BOOLEAN] [--is_system_auditor BOOLEAN]
                        --password TEXT

required arguments:
  --username TEXT       Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and
                        @/./+/-/_ only.
  --password TEXT       Field used to change the password.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --first_name TEXT
  --last_name TEXT
  --email TEXT
  --is_superuser BOOLEAN
                        Designates that this user has all permissions without
                        explicitly assigning them.
  --is_system_auditor BOOLEAN

awx users create: the following arguments are required: --username, --password

users get#

usage: awx users get [-h] [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                     [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v]

positional arguments:
  id                    the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

awx users get: the following arguments are required: id

users modify#

usage: awx users modify [-h] id

positional arguments:
  id          the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx users modify: the following arguments are required: id

users delete#

usage: awx users delete [-h] id

positional arguments:
  id          the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx users delete: the following arguments are required: id

users grant#

usage: awx users grant [-h]
                       (--organization ID | --project ID | --inventory ID | --team ID | --credential ID | --job_template ID | --workflow_job_template ID | --instance_group ID)

positional arguments:
  id                    The ID (or name) of the users to grant access to/from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --organization ID     The ID (or name) of the target organization
  --project ID          The ID (or name) of the target project
  --inventory ID        The ID (or name) of the target inventory
  --team ID             The ID (or name) of the target team
  --credential ID       The ID (or name) of the target credential
  --job_template ID     The ID (or name) of the target job_template
  --workflow_job_template ID
                        The ID (or name) of the target workflow_job_template
  --instance_group ID   The ID (or name) of the target instance_group
  --role {inventory_admin,job_template_admin,execution_environment_admin,auditor,approval,update,use,project_admin,workflow_admin,member,read,credential_admin,adhoc,admin,notification_admin,execute}
                        The name of the role to grant

awx users grant: the following arguments are required: id, --role

users revoke#

usage: awx users revoke [-h]
                        (--organization ID | --project ID | --inventory ID | --team ID | --credential ID | --job_template ID | --workflow_job_template ID | --instance_group ID)

positional arguments:
  id                    The ID (or name) of the users to revoke access to/from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --organization ID     The ID (or name) of the target organization
  --project ID          The ID (or name) of the target project
  --inventory ID        The ID (or name) of the target inventory
  --team ID             The ID (or name) of the target team
  --credential ID       The ID (or name) of the target credential
  --job_template ID     The ID (or name) of the target job_template
  --workflow_job_template ID
                        The ID (or name) of the target workflow_job_template
  --instance_group ID   The ID (or name) of the target instance_group
  --role {credential_admin,job_template_admin,execute,update,workflow_admin,adhoc,inventory_admin,approval,admin,execution_environment_admin,member,read,project_admin,auditor,notification_admin,use}
                        The name of the role to revoke

awx users revoke: the following arguments are required: id, --role