
usage: awx ad_hoc_commands [-h] action ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx ad_hoc_commands: the following arguments are required: action

ad_hoc_commands list#

usage: awx ad_hoc_commands list [-h] [--all] [--order_by ORDER_BY]
                                [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                                [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v]
                                [--type {ad_hoc_command}] [--created CREATED]
                                [--modified MODIFIED] [--name TEXT]
                                [--launch_type {manual,relaunch,callback,scheduled,dependency,workflow,webhook,sync,scm}]
                                [--status {new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled}]
                                [--execution_environment ID]
                                [--failed BOOLEAN] [--started STARTED]
                                [--finished FINISHED]
                                [--canceled_on CANCELED_ON]
                                [--elapsed ELAPSED] [--job_explanation TEXT]
                                [--execution_node TEXT]
                                [--controller_node TEXT] [--work_unit_id TEXT]
                                [--job_type {run,check}] [--inventory ID]
                                [--limit TEXT] [--credential ID]
                                [--module_name {command,shell,yum,apt,apt_key,apt_repository,apt_rpm,service,group,user,mount,ping,selinux,setup,win_ping,win_service,win_updates,win_group,win_user}]
                                [--module_args TEXT] [--forks INTEGER]
                                [--verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                                [--extra_vars TEXT] [--become_enabled BOOLEAN]
                                [--diff_mode BOOLEAN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all                 fetch all pages of content from the API when returning
                        results (instead of just the first page)
  --order_by ORDER_BY   order results by given field name, prefix the field
                        name with a dash (-) to sort in reverse eg
                        --order_by='-name',multiple sorting fields may be
                        specified by separating the field names with a comma
  --type {ad_hoc_command}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified type
  --created CREATED     only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified created
  --modified MODIFIED   only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified modified
  --name TEXT           only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified name
  --launch_type {manual,relaunch,callback,scheduled,dependency,workflow,webhook,sync,scm}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --status {new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified status
  --execution_environment ID
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --failed BOOLEAN      only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified failed
  --started STARTED     only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified started
  --finished FINISHED   only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified finished
  --canceled_on CANCELED_ON
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --elapsed ELAPSED     only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified elapsed
  --job_explanation TEXT
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --execution_node TEXT
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --controller_node TEXT
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --work_unit_id TEXT   only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --job_type {run,check}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified job_type
  --inventory ID        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified inventory
  --limit TEXT          only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified limit
  --credential ID       only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --module_name {command,shell,yum,apt,apt_key,apt_repository,apt_rpm,service,group,user,mount,ping,selinux,setup,win_ping,win_service,win_updates,win_group,win_user}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --module_args TEXT    only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --forks INTEGER       only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified forks
  --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified verbosity
  --extra_vars TEXT     only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --become_enabled BOOLEAN
                        only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified
  --diff_mode BOOLEAN   only list ad_hoc_commands with the specified diff_mode

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

ad_hoc_commands create#

usage: awx ad_hoc_commands create [-h] [--monitor]
                                  [--action-timeout ACTION_TIMEOUT] [--wait]
                                  [--interval INTERVAL]
                                  [--execution_environment ID]
                                  [--job_type {run,check}] --inventory ID
                                  [--limit TEXT] --credential ID
                                  [--module_name {command,shell,yum,apt,apt_key,apt_repository,apt_rpm,service,group,user,mount,ping,selinux,setup,win_ping,win_service,win_updates,win_group,win_user}]
                                  [--module_args TEXT] [--forks INTEGER]
                                  [--verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                                  [--extra_vars TEXT]
                                  [--become_enabled BOOLEAN]
                                  [--diff_mode BOOLEAN]

required arguments:
  --inventory ID        the ID of the associated inventory
  --credential ID       the ID of the associated credential

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --monitor             If set, prints stdout of the launched job until it
  --action-timeout ACTION_TIMEOUT
                        If set with --monitor or --wait, time out waiting on
                        job completion.
  --wait                If set, waits until the launched job finishes.
  --interval INTERVAL   If set with --monitor or --wait, amount of time to
                        wait in seconds between api calls. Minimum value is
                        2.5 seconds to avoid overwhelming the api
  --execution_environment ID
                        The container image to be used for execution.
  --job_type {run,check}
  --limit TEXT
  --module_name {command,shell,yum,apt,apt_key,apt_repository,apt_rpm,service,group,user,mount,ping,selinux,setup,win_ping,win_service,win_updates,win_group,win_user}
  --module_args TEXT
  --forks INTEGER
  --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
  --extra_vars TEXT
  --become_enabled BOOLEAN
  --diff_mode BOOLEAN

awx ad_hoc_commands create: the following arguments are required: --inventory, --credential

ad_hoc_commands get#

usage: awx ad_hoc_commands get [-h] [-f {json,yaml,jq,human}] [--filter TEXT]
                               [--conf.color BOOLEAN] [-v]

positional arguments:
  id                    the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

input/output formatting:
  -f {json,yaml,jq,human}, --conf.format {json,yaml,jq,human}
                        specify a format for the input and output
  --filter TEXT         specify an output filter (only valid with jq or human
  --conf.color BOOLEAN  Display colorized output. Defaults to True
  -v, --verbose         print debug-level logs, including requests made

awx ad_hoc_commands get: the following arguments are required: id

ad_hoc_commands delete#

usage: awx ad_hoc_commands delete [-h] id

positional arguments:
  id          the ID (or unique name) of the resource

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx ad_hoc_commands delete: the following arguments are required: id

ad_hoc_commands stdout#

usage: awx ad_hoc_commands stdout [-h] id

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

awx ad_hoc_commands stdout: the following arguments are required: id